

















旅游公司Tiger Tops曾是国际大象马球竞赛的组织者,近期已经宣布停止举办这样的赛事,以明确自身反对虐待动物的立场。早在2011年,“吉尼斯世界纪录”鉴于这些赛事给大象造成的虐待,就将所有和大象马球相关的记录都删除了。嘉士伯集团在与PETA India (印度善待动物组织) 协商后,也撤回了对此类赛事的赞助。

不管这场比赛谁胜谁负,大象始终是背后的受害者。请致信美诺集团[email protected]呼吁他们不要支持这些残忍的赛事。你可以使用以下的邮件范文发送,也可以自行撰写。


邮件标题 :Please End the King’s Cup Elephant Polo Tournament


Dear Mr. Heinecke,

I was appalled to see that Minor Hotel Group is organizing the King’s Cup Elephant Polo Tournament in Thailand.

PETA Asia investigators have found that elephants are repeatedly struck and gouged with bullhooks—sharp steel-tipped rods resembling fireplace pokers—and that their ears are violently yanked near Anantara Riverside Bangkok Resort before they’re forced to participate in the cruel King’s Cup Elephant Polo Tournament.

When they’re not “playing” polo, elephants are kept shackled in chains and can barely take a step in any direction—appalling conditions for animals who travel as far as 30 miles a day in the wild. Elephants are highly social animals with mourning rituals that rival those of humans. They live in matriarchal herds, and females remain with their mothers for their entire lives.

Because of the cruelty inherent in using elephants for polo, the organizer of the International Elephant Polo Competition, tourism company Tiger Tops, recently announced that it would stop hosting the event in order to help take a stand against cruelty to animals. Elephant polo matches have also lost sponsors—including Carlsberg beer—and the Guinness Book of Records has struck all mention of elephant polo records from its pages.

Elephant polo is widely opposed by compassionate people all over the world for its disregard for elephant welfare. Please follow in the footsteps of Tiger Tops and Carlsberg. End the cruel elephant polo event immediately, and commit to never hosting or supporting events that exploit elephants again.

